The Muzicbug Picture Story Book Series

20 Picture Story Books with fun reward stickers and chart

BONUS Free Audio Books featuring over 50 live musicians

1. Ferdi Fly and the Flamenco Guitar

Ferdi loves to play the flamenco guitar. He travels Muzicbug Land spreading the word that ‘being active is fun!’ Whenever he plays his guitar, he creates excitement and fun, and everyone just wants to get up and dance. What do you think happens when he arrives at a town full of very lazy bugs?

2. Bella Butterfly and the Harp

Bella’s gentle harp music is peaceful and soothing. It is the perfect instrument to play as she waits for the cocoons to hatch…and waits..and waits some more. Bella never gives up but could she keep playing her harp after such a long time?

3. Seymour Spider and the Drums

Seymour Spider loves to play the drums. He plays them well but he also plays them loud… much too loud… and his band and the audience aren’t happy. What can his band do to help Seymour work together?

4. Annabelle Ant and the Saxophone

Annabelle Ant loves to play the saxophone. She is a most determined ant. She practices hard to get good at her instrument so she can join her favourite band ‘The Anthouse Four.’ Does she succeed?

5. Jock McWaspy and the Bagpipes

Jock McWaspy loves to play the bagpipes. He is a very kind wasp who loves to share his music and also loves to share his things.
So when the other wasps came back from their picnic raid, Jock was most happy with the surprise they shared with him. What could it be?

6. Fergus Flea and the Trombone

Fergus Flea loves to play the trombone. He is rather brave to learn an instrument that is so heavy, when he’s such a little bug.
But could he also be brave when he had to play his trombone for Miss Fifi? The answer and Miss Fifi’s answer will surprise you.

7. Carlo Cockroach and the Piano

Carlo Cockroach loves to play the piano. He plays the piano for the grandpas and grans and finds out in a most peculiar way that making that little bit of extra effort can make all the difference to others. What could that be?

8. Monty Moth and the Fiddle

When Monty goes to play his fiddle with his band, he likes to make sure he has everything he needs. But one night, no one in the band or the audience could imagine what was going to happen. Nobody except Monty perhaps. Did Monty come to the rescue?

9. Sea Captain Caterpillar and the Squeeze box

Sea Captain Caterpillar loves to play the squeezebox, and have fun while sailing the seas. The Captain and his sailors have so much fun, they never want it to end. All the dancing makes them very hungry… and after eating and eating and eating some more, they suddenly find themselves in a spot of bother on the high seas.

10. Fizzy Bee and the Trumpet

Fizzy loves to play the trumpet so much he has no time to help the other bees make honey. The other bees didn’t think playing the trumpet was very helpful and went to the Queen Bee for help. What did the Queen Bee say? What could Fizzy do to work hard and and help the other bees at the same time?

11. Taylor Termite and the Clarinet

Taylor Termite loves to play the clarinet, but not so long ago, she wanted to eat it! Taylor was always munching away, and looking for the next tasty treat to try.
So when she spied the wooden clarinet, she couldn’t wait to eat it up until Maestro Mosquito stopped her and showed her amazing things can happen if you value your things.

12. Sissy Slug and the Tuba

Sissy Slug wanted to be like the snails, but she didn’t have a shell! She decided that if she could play the tuba, the snails might let her be their friend. The tuba was so big and heavy, that Sissy became very strong carrying it around. But she grew strong on the inside too, and found out her best friend had been there the whole time. Who could that be?

13. Lilly Ladybug and the Double Bass

Lilly Ladybug loves to play the double bass, so she wanted to find some friends that loved to play instruments too. Lilly knew that if she found anyone who loved music as much as she did, this could be the start of a wonderful friendship. Who did she meet and how did their music sound?

14. Charlie the Singing Snail

Charlie the Snail loves to sing so much, she can be easily distracted. One day when she was on her way to play with Carlo Cockroach at the Tavern Sundial, she met some musical friends. As the sun went down, did Charlie get there on time for Carlo and her fans or was she late?

15. Centipede Jesse and the Banjo

Centipede Jesse loves to play the banjo and he plays it fast. He sure is a unique character, and this can make it tricky finding other bugs like him.
But Jesse kept looking and joining in, as he knew somewhere out there, another bug was waiting for his best friend too. Who could this be?

16. Winnie Worm and the Harmonica

Winnie Worm loves to play the harmonica for her friends, but sometimes they like doing other things and ignore Winnie.
One day Winnie went missing. Where was she? Where could she be? Her friends missed her and learnt that it is important to be kind to your friends all of the time. Did they find her?

17. King Mantis and his One Man Band

King Mantis loves playing the bugle. He also loves playing the squeezebox and the drums. Each day the King makes very important decisions, but there was one time he did not know what to do. Asking the other bugs did not help at all, but the King found the answer from one bug he hadn’t thought to ask… can you guess who?

18. Gobi Grasshopper and the Pungi

Gobi Grasshopper plays the pungi for a rather special job – he makes snakes dance! This can be tricky, as not all snakes enjoy dancing. So when the snake wouldn’t come out of the pot, he got worried. But Gobi always gives it a go, and stays hopeful that everything will be okay. Did the snake come out of the pot?

19. Johnnie Ray Beetle and the Electric Guitar

Johnnie Ray Beetle travels the world playing electric guitar in a rock n roll band. All of his fans love him! But one time Johnnie Ray thought he had to do silly stuff to keep his fans happy, and this caused a lot of bother!

20. Mosquito Maestro and the Muzicbug Orchestra

The Muzicbug Orchestra are rehearsing for the opening of the new city light. They have little time and their music is all out of time and not good.
Introducing the famous Mosquito Maestro. With a swing of his baton and a smile on his face, does he manage to get the Muzicbug Orchestra playing together in time for the opening?

Also comes in the case

The Muzicbug Picture Story Book Series featuring the BONUS Muzicbug Awards Book.

Tear out the Awards pages, stick them on your fridge and encourage your child to do things to earn the Muzicbug award stickers.

For example, if your child waters the plants, they can get a Captain Caterpillar Caring For The World sticker. If they tidy their room, they can earn a Monty Moth Being Organised sticker. There are three stickers to earn for each character, so your child can fill the sheet and feel proud of the skills they have learned!