- 50 studio live musicians helped to record the Muzicbug audio books.
- Showcasing the rich and diverse sounds of different musical instruments
- Research shows that kids who play a musical instrument improve their academic and social and emotional skills.
Ferdi Fly and the Flamenco Guitar
Being Active

Seymour Spider and the Drums

Jock McWaspy and the Bagpipes
Sharing with Others

Carlo Cockroach and the Piano
Making Extra Effort

Sea Captain Caterpillar and the Squeeze Box
Being Sustainable

Taylor Termite and the Clarinet
Appreciating Things

Lilly Ladybug and the Double Bass
Making Friends

Jesse Centipede and the Banjo
Finding Your Tribe

King Mantis and his One Bug Band
Having Self-Belief

Johnny Ray Beetle and the Electric Guitar
Being Content

Bella Butterfly and the Harp
Being Persistent

Annabelle Ant and the Saxophone
Setting Goals

Fergus Flea and the Trombone
Showing Courage

Monty Moth and the Fiddle
Being Organised

Fizzy Bee and the Trumpet
Making a Contribution

Sissy Slug and the Tuba
Being Self-Reliant

Charlie the Singing Snail
Being Reliable

Winnie Worm and the Harmonica
Valuing Others

Gobi Grasshopper and the Pungi
Being Hopeful

Mosquito Maestro and the Muzicbug Orchestra
Showing Leadership